Why You Shouldn’t Plant Cucumbers And Tomatoes Together In The Garden

Whether you’re a first-time gardener or a seasoned pro, you’re likely to include both cucumbers and tomatoes in your garden. While they might seem like perfect companions, planting them together can lead to several issues.

Competition for Resources

Cucumbers and tomatoes both thrive in similar conditions, needing plenty of sunlight and well-drained soil. However, they can end up competing for these resources. If they’re too close together, one plant may overshadow the other, limiting the light each receives. This can hinder growth and fruit production.

Risk of Disease

One of the biggest concerns when planting cucumbers and tomatoes together is their susceptibility to similar diseases, such as the mosaic virus. If one plant gets infected, the disease can easily spread to the other, potentially leading to a larger loss of your crop.

Spacing is Key

Proper spacing is crucial if you want to grow both cucumbers and tomatoes. Here’s a guide:

  • Tomatoes: Plant 18 to 24 inches apart in rows spaced 3 to 4 feet apart.
  • Cucumbers: Leave 12 to 15 inches between plants and 4 to 6 feet between rows.

This spacing ensures each plant gets the water, nutrients, and sunlight it needs without competing with its neighbor.

Alternative Planting Strategies

If space is limited, consider planting vining cucumbers with determinate tomato varieties. Place cucumbers near a fence or trellis, with tomatoes positioned at least 2 feet in front. This setup allows for adequate sunlight and prevents the tomatoes from being overshadowed by cucumber vines.


While you can successfully grow cucumbers and tomatoes in the same garden, careful planning is necessary. By ensuring proper spacing and monitoring for disease, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of both vegetables without the drawbacks of planting them too closely together. Happy gardening!

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